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在加油站也可以自行換輪胎的教學= =+

發表於 2009-8-27 12:13:26 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 camilolo 於 2009-8-27 12:15 編輯

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發表於 2009-8-27 21:08:04 | 顯示全部樓層
sorry ...po完我覺得有責任講清楚一點. 因為事關安全性.. 以下是我覺得講的比較合理的youtube大大:

Basically, the forces of an explosion. Hot gasses expanding at high speed push the edges of the tyre back on to the rim.

基本上是因為爆炸的力量.  熱氣體高速推擠造成胎緣逼向輪圈邊緣.

The moment there's a seal, the normal airline can take over and inflate the tyre up to it's proper pressure. Sometimes, you don't even have to bother with the airline if the tyres seals fast enough. good luck guessing what pressure you're at though.

輪圈處都有個含可密封芯的風嘴, 大部分的的風嘴應該都可以克服並且在合適的氣壓下將胎填充到位. 如果充氣時胎緣很快能與輪圈密合, 有時候你甚至根本就不需要去管如何處理風嘴(是否先將密封的芯取下再充氣). 至於要多少壓力才夠就阿咪陀佛自己猜了.

Trick of last resort as the heat can damage some tyres and, as you can see, it isn't the safest of toys to play with... ;-)

把它當成最後一個殺手鐧吧. 因為高溫也會傷害某些輪胎. 此外如你所看到的. 這個做法也不是最安全的.

另外一位大大說每年都有人因為操作不正確而送命. 相信大家也看過老美的網片很多都是不怕死的..
所以請看看就好, 不要學~!!!
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